
What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a disorder that causes an abnormal curve of the spine. There are normal spinal curves when looking from the side, but the spine should appear straight when looking from the front.

People with scoliosis develop curves to either side of the body, and the bones of the spine twist on each other, forming a C or an S-shaped curve. Scoliosis ranges from 10-20 degrees (mild), 20-50 degrees (moderate), and severe (greater than 50 degrees).

Scoliosis is about two times more common in girls than boys. It can be seen at any age, but it is most common in those over 10 years of age.


  • Uneven shoulders

  • One shoulder blade that appears more prominent than the other

  • Uneven waist

  • One hip higher than the other

  • Ribs on one side of the body sticks out farther than on the other side


Doctors don't know what causes the most common type of scoliosis (known as idiopathic)  — although it appears to involve hereditary factors, because the disorder tends to run in families. 

Less common types of scoliosis may be caused by:

  • Neuromuscular conditions, such as cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy

  • Birth defects affecting the development of the bones of the spine

  • Injuries to or infections of the spine

More than 80% of people with scoliosis have idiopathic scoliosis, and the majority of those are adolescent girls. The most common location for scoliosis is in the thoracic spine.

How treatment can help

Like all other treatments for scoliosis, chiropractic does not cure or reverse scoliosis. Chiropractic adjustments and physiotherapy exercises help to correct, improve form (therefore, improving function), and induce mobility into the joints. Sometimes, a corrective brace will be prescribed. 

If your curve is under 50 degrees, your chiropractor can prescribe an personalised treatment plan. For those in the 10 to 50 degree range, it is critical to receive chiropractic treatment to help diminish, delay or halt further degeneration in the spine. If your curve is over 50 degrees, referral for surgery may be warranted due to the degree of curvature, which can compress and damage organs in the body.