Low back pain

What is low back pain?

Low back pain is a universal human experience -- almost everyone will be affected at some point. The lower back, which starts below the ribcage, is called the lumbar region. Pain here can be intense and is one of the top causes of missed work. 

Symptoms of Low Back Pain

Symptoms range from a dull ache to a stabbing or shooting sensation. The pain may make it hard to move or stand up straight. Acute back pain comes on suddenly, often from bad posture or sedentary lifestyle, and sometimes after an injury from sports or heavy lifting. Pain that lasts more than three months is considered chronic.


If your job involves lifting, pulling, or anything that twists the spine, it may contribute to back pain. However, sitting at a desk all day comes with risks of its own, especially if your chair is uncomfortable or you tend to slouch.

How can treatment help?

A treatment plan that will mainly involve chiropractic adjustments, manual physiotherapy and exercises, will be developed to help ease your symptoms. The treatments will align and reduce the pressure on your lower back, thereby relieving the symptoms. Stretching and strengthening muscles through exercises will help to prevent worsening of symptoms and aid recovery.

The specifics of what are in your treatment plan are particular to your pain, level of activity, overall health, and what your chiropractor thinks is best.  As with any treatment option, don't hesitate to ask questions about what chiropractic treatments are being recommended and why.  You want to make sure you understand what will be done and how it can help relieve your pain. Chiropractic treatment is safe and effective for most patients.